Returning to the Wasteland: Fallout 4’s Next-Gen Update

Since the release of a certain TV series, you can’t go far in the real world or online without encountering something Fallout-related. It’s like the entire world has been swept up in the frenzy surrounding the release of the Fallout TV show. From billboards plastered with Vault Boy’s iconic grin to the incessant chatter on social media, it seems like everyone and their Radroach is buzzing about Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic universe. And in a way, I’m glad. It’s a game series that I’ve loved for years, and it’s nice that it’s getting recognition and new fans.

And amidst all this excitement, there’s another reason for Fallout fans to rejoice: the next-gen update for Fallout 4. As if the arrival of the TV show wasn’t enough to send everyone into a radioactive-fueled frenzy, Bethesda goes ahead and drops the bombshell of the PS5/XBox Series X/S update that I, personally, have been waiting for for a while. I was half expecting another Skyrim release before we got an updated Fallout.

So, with Fallout fever running rampant and the promise of a visually enhanced Commonwealth beckoning, I couldn’t resist diving back into the irradiated ruins of post-apocalyptic Boston, and let me tell you, so far, it’s been one hell of a ride.

But before we delve into the nitty-gritty of the next-gen update, let’s take a trip down memory lane. Remember those blogs I wrote about Fallout 4? One was a little bit of a guide for some of the more difficult trophies to obtain on your journey through the wasteland. The other was a mouthwatering recipe for Buffout cookies from the cookbook inspired by everyone’s favourite in-game performance-enhancing drug. Ah, good times.

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the graphics. Bethesda promised us a visual overhaul that would redefine our perception of the post-apocalyptic landscape we’ve come to know and love, and while they’ve certainly made some notable strides in this department, the overall impact might not be as earth-shattering as some of us hoped. In some lights, you can see some improvements, but most of the time, there really doesn’t seem to be much of a difference. It would be nice to have something that makes use of the current generation of console’s graphical abilities. I wasn’t expecting it to be an Unreal Engine 5 kind of upgrade, but I have to admit I was expecting more than we got.

As I find myself once again traversing the irradiated wastes of the Commonwealth, I can’t help but feel a sense of dĂ©jĂ  vu. It’s like revisiting an old friend – familiar yet filled with new surprises around every corner. Some of these new surprises come in the form of new quests, mainly relating to the Enclave faction, which we saw a lot of in previous Fallout games. These new quests are a welcome addition and only serve to help you explore the wasteland, as well as providing you with some pretty decent new gear like the Enclave Power Armour. But even without these new additions, there is still plenty on the game that I didn’t explore during my last playthrough that will keep me busy for a long time.

Speaking of surprises, it wouldn’t be a true Bethesda experience without a few bugs rearing their ugly heads along the way. Some of these are new and exciting bugs, like total game crashes, that crop up during important times, and others are like old friends that have been there since the beginning; Cambridge Police Station, I’m looking at you. Like war, some bugs never change.

But despite the occasional hiccup, diving back into Fallout 4 has been nothing short of exhilarating. Whether I’m embarking on quests, building and customizing settlements, or simply soaking in the atmosphere of this richly detailed world, there’s never a dull moment in the Commonwealth.

So, as I continue my journey through the wasteland, I invite you to join me on this adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned survivor or a newcomer to the series, there’s never been a better time to experience all that Fallout 4 has to offer.

Until next time, happy exploring, fellow survivors!

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