Writing Short Stories and Putting Them Together

In last Monday’s blog post, I shared an exciting new development in my storytelling journey: I have found a fresh and engaging outlet on TikTok. It’s been an exhilarating experience to see my stories come to life in short, creative videos. However, I’m aware that not everyone is on TikTok, and I don’t want anyone to miss out on my stories. That’s why I’ve decided to post the short stories here on my website as well.

Short Stories: A New Chapter in My Writing Journey

So far, I’ve uploaded my most recent stories under the Short Stories heading at the top of the home page. Some of these are inspired by songs that struck a chord with me, while others are spontaneous creations born from my wandering thoughts. This blend of inspiration has led to a diverse collection of narratives, each with its own unique flavour.

In light of my new approach, I’ve decided to shift my focus from working on another novel to creating a collection of short stories. Many of the TikTok stories I’ve shared have the potential to be expanded into fuller, richer narratives, and I’m excited to explore this possibility. Consequently, I’ll be rotating these stories on the site: as I flesh out some of them for the collection, I’ll remove the older versions and replace them with new ones from TikTok. This way, there will always be a fresh stream of stories for you to enjoy.

Embracing the Short Story Format

Writing short stories is a new venture for me, but posting daily on TikTok has helped me adapt to this format. The brevity of short stories allows me to experiment with ideas without the commitment of a full-length novel. It’s a liberating process: I can quickly gauge whether a concept has the potential to be expanded or if it works best as a concise piece.

This exploration led me to the realization that a collection of short stories could be a perfect way to compile and share these ideas. After much contemplation, I decided that publishing a collection is the logical next step. I was initially torn between various options—publishing on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), posting exclusively on my website, or holding onto the stories for a future project. However, seeing the volume of content I already had, the decision became clear.

A New Focus Post-Uni

Now that I’ve finished university for the year, I have more time to dedicate to my writing. This newfound freedom allows me to focus on refining and expanding my short stories for the collection. Some stories are based on ideas I’ve nurtured for a long time, while others are fresh creations, so the amount of work required to prepare them for publication varies. Nonetheless, I’m committed to bringing you polished and engaging stories.

Looking Ahead

You can expect a steady flow of short stories both here on the website and on TikTok. I’m excited about this new chapter and eager to share more of my work with you. Your support and feedback are invaluable as I navigate this journey, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on my stories.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of this adventure with me!

Feel free to explore the Short Stories section and follow me on TikTok for daily updates. Happy reading!