The Confined

Anna had always felt safe in her small apartment, finding comfort in its familiar walls. The storm that night was fierce, lashing against her windows and rattling the doors. Seeking refuge from the howling wind, she retreated to her bedroom, pulling the covers up to her chin.

A loud thud echoed from the living room, followed by a dragging sound. Heart pounding, Anna forced herself to investigate. She crept down the hallway, her flashlight flickering ominously. The living room was empty, but the air felt heavy, oppressive.

Anna noticed the old trunk in the corner, something she had inherited from her grandmother but never dared to open. It was now slightly ajar, its ancient lock broken. She approached cautiously, the hair on her arms standing on end. Inside the trunk, she found an old, leather-bound journal.

Curiosity overcame her fear as she opened it. The pages were filled with the frantic scribbles of her grandmother. One entry caught her eye:

“The spirits confine themselves to places of despair. The key is the curse. Do not release them.”

A cold dread washed over her. She glanced at the open trunk and felt a presence behind her. Slowly turning, she saw shadows moving unnaturally, creeping towards her. The room grew colder, the air thick with malevolence.

Anna backed away, but the shadows advanced, whispering her name. She realized the spirits had been confined in the trunk, and by opening it, she had set them free. They swirled around her, their whispers becoming screams.

Desperate, Anna tried to flee, but the shadows encircled her, pulling her back towards the trunk. She screamed, but her voice was swallowed by the darkness. The last thing she saw before being dragged into the abyss was the journal, lying open on the floor, the final entry glowing in the dim light:

“Once released, they will find another to confine.”