Am I the Asshole?

Am I the Asshole for getting rid of my sister’s creepy doll?

Okay, so hear me out. I (23F) live with my sister, Anna (19F), in our late grandmother’s old house. It’s a bit rundown but cozy. When we moved in, we found this old, creepy porcelain doll in the attic.

Anna, being the horror enthusiast she is, immediately loved it and named it Clara. She insisted on keeping it in the living room, saying it added character. Fine, whatever, right?

Well, strange things started happening. I would find Clara in different places around the house, even though Anna swore she didn’t move it.

Once, I found it sitting on my bed. I thought Anna was messing with me, but she seemed genuinely surprised (and a bit scared) when I confronted her.

One night, I heard whispering from the living room. I thought it was Anna, but she was fast asleep in her room. I walked into the living room and, I kid you not, Clara was sitting there with her head turned, staring right at me. I noped out of there and spent the night at my friend’s place.

The final straw was last week. I came home from work and found the doll holding a piece of paper with the words “Get out” scrawled in red. I was done. I threw Clara in the trash, hoping Anna wouldn’t notice.

Of course, she did. Anna freaked out, saying I had no right to throw away her stuff and that I was overreacting. She went through the trash and brought Clara back inside, cleaning her up and placing her right back in the living room.

Since then, the weird occurrences have gotten worse. Lights flicker, doors slam, and we both hear whispers. Anna still refuses to get rid of Clara, saying it’s just our imagination. But I’m convinced there’s something seriously wrong with that doll.

So, Reddit, Am I the Asshome for trying to get rid of my sister’s creepy doll, or is Anna being unreasonable?

**Edit:** So, something just happened. I was writing this post, and I swear I felt someone watching me. I turned around and saw Clara sitting on my dresser. I had locked her in the attic myself after Anna went to bed last night. I don’t know how she got out. I think I need help.